Personal Injury Settlement
It can be hard for people to understand just how devastating a personal injury accident can be – until it happens to you or someone you love. That is why you need the best personal injury settlement you can get.
At Heidi Hemmat Productions we have met so many people who’ve had their lives turned upside down because of a careless driver. Fathers who’ve ended up in wheelchairs who can no longer play with their sons, go to the park or teach them how to ride a bike. Mothers who used to do it all, but after becoming a quadriplegic—can’t do anything without a full-time caregiver.
But perhaps the saddest stories – are the brain injured, the people who have lost their ability to think clearly, remember, function, or perform even the simplest tasks. Get help now!

"I hired Heidi recently to do a day in the life type of video presentation for a paraplegia case, and her work was spectacular. It had the look and feel of a professional journalistic piece that one would see during prime time."
Jonathon Kieffer | Wagstaff & Cartmell LLP

Our personal injury mediation videos have a proven track record, a 98% success rate.
That’s why we think it’s so important to tell the whole story. We produce mediation videos for personal injury cases that show all aspects of your client’s life –who they were before the crash, the crash itself, how it happened, the injuries that occurred as a result, and the aftermath—the “day-in-the-life” routine your client never asked for or deserved.
Our personal injury mediation videos have a proven track record, a 98% success rate. If the mediation video we produce for your case does not lead to a settlement, we can easily turn your “60 Minutes” style video into a “day-in-the life” presentation that is admissible at trial.