Wrongful Death Claim
It’s hard enough to lose a loved one, but it’s especially hard to lose someone you love due to the carelessness or negligence of someone else.
At Heidi Hemmat Productions, we understand the grief, the anger, and the never-ending pain that family members and friends experience after a wrongful death. That’s why we treat the survivors of a wrongful death with kindness, dignity and respect, while at the same time—using their memories to produce a powerful, emotional mediation video that tells the story of the person who died and the impact that death had on everyone around them. Call us today.

"I hired Heidi Hemmat Productions to put together a settlement documentary for a Wrongful Death case. The masterful video encapsulated the heart and soul of this tragic event and the real-life consequences of the negligence of the sleep deprived driver. It was played for the first time in the course of the settlement conference. Shortly thereafter, negotiations moved swiftly to a 7 figure resolution of the claim."

Our clients have been awarded millions of dollars for wrongful death cases, even in states with caps on damages.
We’ve shared stories about mothers who left behind small children, newlyweds who lost their soul mate, leaders whose untimely death affected the entire community, and children—who died way too soon. But we don’t just explain the emotional impact, but also the financial aspect—right now and in the future.
We are proud to say, our wrongful death mediation videos have not only been 100 percent successful at settlement conferences –but for the families of wrongful death victims, they are also a treasured keepsake.
Many states, including Colorado, have monetary caps on wrongful death lawsuits. But don’t let a cap dissuade you from presenting a powerful video at mediation. Our clients have been awarded millions of dollars for wrongful death cases, even in states with caps on damages.